Sunday, January 27, 2013

Reagan Belle

I remember before she was born. We almost lost her multiple times but she was here to stay.

I remember when she was born. I photographed every possible moment and took it all in. Same room as Archie and same worries. She was perfect. 

I save all my little girl toys for this girl. I know I probably will never have a girl so I look forward to spoiling her rotten and taking her out for girl trips.

Oh, she just has my heart.


  1. Oh my goodness!!!! She is a DOLL :) Beautiful pictures, Tara! I'd love to add your site to my blog if that's ok? Let me know :)

    1. Jayma! Thank you so much. I'd love for you to do that! What is your site so I can check it out!

    2. I found it!! Love it =) Reading it now.

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