Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Taylor and David

Taylor and David were so much fun to photograph. I had the privilege of photographing this beautiful couple on his last day in Ohio for 6 months while David heads back to Hawaii to finish his time in the Army. When choosing their photos I found myself laughing or smiling with so many of the photos because of how happy and playful they were in the pictures. My favorite part of these pictures is the way he holds her head when he looks at her or kisses her. They look so safe and comfortable with each other. Usually I try to get as many different poses or scenes when editing but I couldn't help myself but to add some of the same scene just because of the different expressions on their faces from snap to snap. Needless to say, I loved photographing them! To view their full galley check out http://taralewisphotography.pass.us/davidandtaylor/

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