Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry little Chrismas

I knew I needed Christmas photos and a jammie shoot was all that was going to fit into our busy schedule. Both boys have been sick so much this season. We've had 2 ER visits and lots of cuddle time. 

Last year I bought the boys red snap bottom jammies and but they cost me an arm and a leg. Now that I've settled with dirty faces and feet, I didnt think 40 dollar jammies was appropriate for a 2 year old and a 1 year old! So I ventured off to GAP and found some gems. That place can suck the money right out of you. But how can you resist? 

We did this session on a snow day. Kelly attempted to help but the first 20 minutes his arm was in about every shot and it just wasnt working out. After much sweat, (sad to say but) yelling, flying Mike and Ikes and two grown adults acting like circus clowns, here are my precious images of these boys that rule my world in the most glorious of ways. 

 Hank just wasnt having it. He usually is so easy to photograph! This image he was NOT being nice. He actually threw that right at me after. This was my first session in a while that I have more images of Archie than I do of Hank.

 When I saw this image my heart sank. I have a big boy now. This picture makes him look like he belongs in school. Where has time gone? He was once 3 pounds. Now, he quotes every movie, says "I love you too", brushes his own teeth, and enjoys wearing socks on his hands. His favorite movie at the moment is Home Alone, Toy Story ( all 3), Land Before Time (or as he calls it "Baby Animals") and Jungle Book. Currently his favorite quotes are...... "So long, partner", "NEW TOYS!", "HIIII (Stitch voice)", "MOOOOTTHHHERRR (Land Before Time), " CORAL!", "Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!", "My Cowboy", "KEVIN!", "CARRRMMEEN-Da-Bull (Come on Aboard- Monsters U)", "AHHHHH! (Home alone), "Swiper no Swiper!"

 I had to scare him and say "Scary Halloween" is in the camera to get him to cooperate. Scary Halloween means something is scary to him. He really enjoys being scared. We play a game where I point behind him and say "Oh gosh Archie, scary Halloween!" and he gets terrified, then when he turns around I scream. He hates it, but always wants me to do it over and over again. 

 Hank is the sweetest boy you've ever laid eyes on. His hugs will complete you.

 Archie's best friend is Landon, Reagan, Hank and Tate. He has about 10 different versions of golden retriever stuffed animals. We need to cool it. Big Tate (as seen in this photo) and Regular Tate are his go-tos.

 This is my life. And I love it.

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